Even though all of these items are long gone into the trash, I still want to talk about why or if I'd repurchase them. I will break this into two parts because it's been ages since my last empties post and nobody would manage to read all of it in one go :D
Hair & body
Rexona Invisible pure 0% alcohol anti-perspirant - this anti-perspirant stick really did its job very well and the scent wasn't overpowering. It's affordable and effective so I would repurchase :)
Avon Senses Romantic Garden of Eden shower gel - it had a sweet floral scent, made me clean and didn't dry my skin out. What else would you want from a body wash, right?
Redken Blonde Glam shampoo - I really, really, really liked this shampoo a lot. I didn't even feel the need for a conditioner. Love it and would repurchase it any minute but it's been discontinued :(
Garnier Fructis Thick&Gorgeous Fortifying conditioner - this conditioner was okay but nothing special. I didn't notice any effect on my hair that's promised on the bottle, so I wouldn't buy it again.
Oriflame Nature Secrets Mint&Raspberry anti-perspirant - this roll-on deodorant was also very effective and I can't even count how many of these I've used up in my life. One of my favourites which I will always repurchase.
Batiste Dry Shampoo in Cool&Crisp Fresh and Clean&Classic Original - I always have at least one bottle of Batiste dry shampoo in the house so don't be too surprised to see one in every empties' post :) I liked the Original version more, it seemed to be more effective than the Cool&Crisp one. I already have the original version repurchased :)
Face & eyes
Oriflame Feet Up Fresh berries & raspberry foot scrub - I honestly don't know why foot scrub is on the same picture as face and eyes products but yeah, let it be :D This scrub was a gel with scrubbing particles in it. I didn't like it because there were not enough scrubbing particles and so it was too mild if not to say completely useless. Not buying that one again.
Premier Eye Serum - I bought it last year during our annual beauty fair. It took ages to massage in and makeup didn't sit on it at all. So I started to use it only at night but still it took too long and I didn't see any visible results. I would rather spend my 80€ on something else next time.
Collagen Essence Facial Tissue Mask with Cucumber - they say it's moisturizing, purifying and soothing. This was my first experience with tissue masks and to be honest, I didn't find it as satisfying as usual clay or peel-off face masks. Also I didn't notice a purifying effect and even though my face was covered with soaking wet cloth my skin didn't feel extremely hydrated after using it. Probably will not repurchase.
JOIK Refreshing Peppermint & Green Tea facial mask - this one is still in the old packaging and since it was expired I had to throw it away. I'm not a big fan of masks that I have to mix myself but I actually liked the effect of this mask so I would repurchase it again in the future.
United Exchange Face Cleansing strips - these strips are quite good and effective but you should be careful not to leave them on for too long because removing the strips will get rather painful. There are 3 strips in the pack and I managed to use them around my nose area not on my chin and forehead as the picture on the packaging suggest. I would repurchase these again and the affordable price of these is pure bonus :)
Vichy Idealia Eye Contour Idealizer - I liked this eye cream a lot. It's moisturizing but at the same time perfect under makeup. I also liked the applicator and that it comes in a tube. I think my wrinkles around my eyes appeared less visible so definitely a product I will buy again in the future.
P.S. If you're about to order from iHerb for the first time, use my code LWH786 to get up to $10 off your order :)
Kuigi kõik need potsikud on juba ammu prügikastis, olen ikkagi võlgu postituse oma viimaste kuude jooksul tühjaks saanud toodetest. Kuna taarat on kogunenud väga palju, kirjutan seekord kahes osas ja esimesena keha, juuste, näo ja silmatoodetest.
Juuksed & keha
Rexona Invisible pure 0% alcohol anti-perspirant - see pulkdeodorant oli väga efektiivne ja tagasihoidliku lõhnaga, mis kuidagi ei häirinud. Hea toode, mille soetaksin ilmselt uuesti, boonuseks hea hind :)
Avon Senses Romantic Garden of Eden dušigeel - see dušigeel lõhnas magusalt ja lilleliselt, pesi puhtaks ega kuivatanud nahka. Midagi rohkemat ma ühelt kehaseebilt ei ootagi, sega igati väärt uuesti soetamist :)
Redken Blonde Glam šampoon - ma tõesti nautisin selle šampooni kasutamist ning isegi ei tundnud vajadust palsami järele. Kahjuks seda sarja enam ei toodeta kuid kui seda kuskil veel müügil oleks, tormaksin kohe uue pudeli järele.
Garnier Fructis Thick&Gorgeous Fortifying palsam - mitte millegi poolest eriline palsam, mis minu juustele pakendil lubatud efekti ei andnud. Seega jääb see sari edaspidi minust poeriiulitele.
Oriflame Nature Secrets Mint&Raspberry anti-perspirant - roll-on deodorant, mida olen juba lugematu arv kordi tühjaks kasutanud ning kindlasti ostan ka edaspidi. Hea lõhnaga ja väga efektiivne toode.
Batiste Dry Shampoo Cool&Crisp Fresh ja Clean&Classic Original kuivšampoon - mul on alati kodus vähemalt üks pudel Batiste kuivšampooni, seega ei maksa imestada, et igas järgmises empties postituses see jälle olemas on. Mulle meeldis rohkem Original versioon, oli tõhusam kui Cool&Crisp, seega viimast ma enam ei ostaks ja uus pudel Original'i on mul juba kodus olemas :)
Nägu & silmad
Oriflame Feet Up Fresh berries & raspberry jalakoorija - mul pole õrna aimugi, miks jalakoorija on samal pildil näotoodetega :D Selle jalakoorija näol on tegemist geeliga, milles koorivad osakesed. Minu arvates oli selle toote efekt nullilähedane, sest koorivaid osakesi oli liiga vähe. Rohkem ei osta.
Premier Eye Serum - selle seerumi ostsin eelmisel aastal Ilumessilt. Seerumi parima efekti saavutamiseks tuleb seda pikka aega silma ümbrusesse masseerida. Meigi alla ei sobinud see üldse ja kogu kasutamise protsess oli liiga aeganõudev, lisaks ei näinud ma ka mingit erilist efekti. Edaspidi kulutan need 80€ mõne teise toote peale :(
Collagen Essence Facial Tissue Mask with Cucumber - see oli minu esimene kogemus kangasmaski kasutamisel. Ma ei saaks öelda, et see mulle rohkem meeldiks kui klassikaline savi- või kilemaski kasutamine. Pakil lubatakse niisutavat, rahustavat ja puhastavat efekti. Ma kahjuks ei tajunud nähtavat puhastavat efekti ja kuigi mu nägu oli kaetud läbimärja riidega, ei tundnud ma pärast maski kasutamist, et nahk oleks ülemäära rohkem niisutatud. Esmakordse kasutamise järel ma seda rohkem ei soetaks.
JOIK värskendav näomask rohelise tee ja piparmündiga - see mask oli mul veel vanas pakendis ja pidin sellest loobuma põhjusel, et selle säilivusaeg oli juba möödunud. Kuigi ma ei armasta eriti maske, mida pean ise kokku segama, meeldis selle maski efekt mulle väga. Seega olen valmis seda uuesti soetama ja uued pakendid on ka mitu korda mugavamad kui see vana versioon :)
United Exchange Face Cleansing strips - pakis on kolm poore puhastavat "kleepsu", mida mina kasutasin nina ümbruses mitte laubal ja lõual nagu pilt pakendil soovitab. Kleebised on üsna efektiivsed pooride puhastamisel kuid tuleb hoolikalt jälgida, et kleeps liiga pikaks ajaks nahale ei jää, sest siis on selle eemaldamine väga valus. iHerb'is on see ka tavahinnaga väga soodne, seega oma järgmise tellimusega lisan need kindlasti oma ostukorvi.
Vichy Idealia Eye Contour Idealizer - mulle väga meeldis see silmakreem nii mugava pakendi kui ka niisutava ja peenete kortsukese vähemmärgatavaks muutmise tõttu. Kindlasti toode, mida ostaksin uuesti, sest see sobis imehästi ka meigi all kasutamiseks :)
P.S. Kui hakkad esimest korda iHerb'ist tellima, kasuta koodi LWH786 ja saad oma ostult kuni 10$ soodustust :)