JOIK is an Estonian natural cosmetics company founded in 2005 which products are handmade in Estonia using as natural products as possible.
My first obsession started with their scented soy wax candles - everyone can find a scent that's close to their hearts, they burn clean and nice and one candle is enough make my entire apartment smell divine. You can also reuse the glass the candle was in. I keep my liners, mascaras and other slim tubes in my candle glasses :)
JOIK is currently revamping their products by putting them in new packaging. Creams come in nice pump-bottles and face-masks in small pots which makes using them so much easier.
Also, they constantly come out with new products and lovely people from the company sent me two brand new products to try out - Radiance Improving Cranberry & Black Currant Facial Mask for dull and lifeless skin and Wild Berry Soap.
I haven't tried the handmade cold-process Wild Berry Soap yet but I can tell you - it really smells like wild berries and having it on my bathroom cabinet makes all of it smell like berries. Also, doesn't it look just so yummy? Lovely as a present and surely anyone can find a soap at their online-shop.
I tried the Radiance Improving Cranberry & Black Currant Facial Mask for dull and lifeless skin once and first of all - thank you JOIK for putting your masks in these little and very convenient pots. I wasn't a big fan of the previous packaging :)
My skin isn't particularly dull or lifeless and only by using it once, I can't really say that I now look like a star :) But it felt nice on the skin and most importantly - didn't dry my skin out. I have been disappointed in many masks before because of them drying my skin out too much. This one didn't do that and I will use it again. As it dried, it became a little gritty and as I was washing it off, I used to exfoliate my skin with it and my pores actually did look cleaner afterwards. I will definitely write a more thorough review on it once I've tested it for a longer period of time or in one of my empties post (rather sooner than later :D ).
My first impressions are good and this mask is perfect for an at-home-spa-session for pampering yourself :)
You can find more information in English on JOIK on their website HERE and my reviews on some of their products HERE .
JOIK on ilmselt bränd, mida ühelegi eestlasele lähemalt tutvustada ei ole vaja :)
Minu armastus algas nende sojavaha küünaldest - imehead lõhnad, puhas põlemine ja taaskasutatavad klaasid, milles mina hoian oma silma-ja huulepliiatseid ja erinevaid väikseid kitsaid tuube.
Minu armastus algas nende sojavaha küünaldest - imehead lõhnad, puhas põlemine ja taaskasutatavad klaasid, milles mina hoian oma silma-ja huulepliiatseid ja erinevaid väikseid kitsaid tuube.
JOIK on hetkel oma tooteid uutesse pudelitesse-topsidesse pakendamas ning iga natukese aja tagant tulevad nad välja uute toodetega.
Nii saadeti ka mulle proovimiseks kaks täiesti uut toodet - käsitsi valmistatud külmprotsess Metsamarjaseep ning jumet parandav Jõhvika ja mustsõstra näomask tuhmile ja elutule nahale.
Metsamarjaseepi (3.20€) pole ma veel proovinud kuid olen sellest marjasest lõhnast täielikus vaimustuses. Hetkel on see mu vannitoakapis ja kogu kapi sisemus lõhnab lihtsalt oivaliselt :) Ja kui tore see seep veel välja näeb! Hea kingitus endale või kallile inimesele. Seepide valikuga saab tutvuda nende veebipoes.
Jõhvika ja mustsõstra näomaski (5€) olen proovinud ühe korra. Kõigepealt, suur aitäh JOIK'ile uue pakendi eest. Kogu maski kasutamise ja kokkusegamise protsess on nüüd palju mugavam ja puhtam :)
Mask on näol mõnus ega kuivata seda liigselt. Kui kuivanud maski maha hakkasin pesema, oli see muutunud veidi teraliseks ja nii koorisin oma nahka pesemise ajal ka maskiga. Tulemuseks pehme ja mõnus nahk ning mulle tundub, et pooridki olid puhtamad. Kas mu nahk säravaks ja elavaks muutus, ei oska ma veel öelda. Veel meeldis ka see, et mu näonahk ei kiskunud ega muutunud liialt kuivaks pärast maski mahapesemist. Esmamulje on väga hea ning kindlasti kasutan maski ka edaspidi :)
Hetkel saab valikut vanades pakendites tooteid osta JOIK veebi-ja vabrikupoes soodushinnaga .
Minu arvustusi teiste JOIK toodete kohta, mida olen proovinud, saab lugeda SIIT .
Minu arvustusi teiste JOIK toodete kohta, mida olen proovinud, saab lugeda SIIT .
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