Saturday, September 12, 2015


Few months ago STENDERS, a Latvian origin natural cosmetic brand offered me to try some of their new Wild Rose products.
I was really surprised to find three full size products in my goodie bag plus a handful of samples.
I was a bit hesitant at first because I am not usually a big fan of rose scents but luckily these products doesn't smell like the typical cheap chemical rose stuff but are very mild and pleasant to my nose :D

I like the micellar water and think that it would be a great gift for someone who can appreciate natural products :)
The hydrating facial gel is very suitable for younger skin and during warm seasons because it's very light yet moisturising and is great under makeup.

One of my favourites from the bunch is the eye and lip makeup remover which is a dual-fase product - it has oil in it which means you need to shake it well before using it and it will remove all of your eye makeup including a heavy smokey eye. Really love it :)

But the gem of this range that I didn't even get a full size of is Stenders' Gentle facial exfoliator which I went and bought full size :)
In my goodie bag I got two samples of this exfoliator and after using it once I was hooked. This product reminds me of acid exfoliator which means that I can't see or feel any exfoliating particles but somehow after rubbing this gel on my face for a few seconds all the dead skin cells start to roll off my face. It looks gross and feels funny but believe me, the result is amazing - my face feels really soft and my skin radiates after using it!

So if I have to recommend only one product from this whole range I would suggest you run and get the exfoliator! I don't think I will use any other scrub on my face in the near future :)

Oh, and by the way, can we please appreciate the packaging? I love the pump system of their products - I feel that none of the product goes to waste :)

Paar kuud tagasi sain STENDERS'ilt kingituseks nende uue Metsiku Roosi sarja tooteid.
Suur oli mu üllatus kui kingikotis oli kolm täissuuruses toodet ja peotäis testreid! :)
Ma pole suuremat sorti roosilõhnaliste toodete fänn, sest tihtilugu lõhnavad need liiga magusalt ja keemiliselt. Stenders'i Metsiku Roosi sarja tooted seevastu on õrna lillelise aroomiga, mis minu tundlikule ninale vägagi sobib :)

Mitsellaarvesi teeb oma tööd hästi ja on kindlasti luksuslik kingitus inimesele, kes hindab loodulikku koostist.
Niisutav näogeel sobib ka nooremale nahale just oma kerguse poolest ning soojemal aastaajal. Olles samaaegselt niisutav kuid kiiresti imenduv, sobib see hästi meigi alla :)

Üks minu lemmikutest sellest sarjast on silma- ja huulekosmeetika eemaldamise vahend, mis on kahefaasiline, st et sisaldab endas ka õli. Seda toodet tuleb kõigepealt päris korralikult raputada ning seejärel eemaldab see ka kõige tugevama suitsusilma kiirelt ja kergelt.

Terve sarja absoluutne lemmik on minu jaoks aga hoopis Õrnalt puhastav näokoorija. Minu kingikotis oli selle toote kaks sämplit ja pärast esimese proovimist teadsin, et lähen täissuuruses toodet ostma!
Oma olemuselt meenutab see koorija hoopis happekoorijat, sest pole ei näha ega tunda mingeid koorivaid "graanuleid". Pärast seda kui olen geeli mõned sekundid nahal hõõrunud, hakkab kui imeväel nahalt kooruma surnud naharakke. Kogu see protsess on ühtaegu nii jäle kui ka lõbus ning tulemuseks on siidpehme ja kiirgav näonahk!
Mul on tunne, et see näokoorija jääb minuga päris pikaks ajaks :)

Muuseas, Stenders'i toodetel on ülilahedad pakendid! Sellist pumpa pole ma teistel brändidel eriti tihti kohanud :)

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