I was cleaning my bathroom the other day and thought I'd use up some of the half empty cleaning product bottles I have at home.
So I was vigorously spraying my tiles with the chemical cleaner and I almost choked on the fumes. Plus they gave me head ache and my house was stinking for hours even after I washed it off.
Did you know that there is a natural way of cleaning your house using products you usually have at home that are all natural and non-toxic?
Here's the recipe for an all purpose natural cleaner that's safe and effective:
1 cup of water
1/2 cup of distilled white vinegar
1/4 cup of baking soda
1/4 cup of lemon juice
(few drops of essential oil for fragrance)
spray bottle
Mix vinegar and lemon juice in the spray bottle, in the other cup mix water and baking soda.
Add to the spray bottle and mix (it will be bubbly :) ).
Now add few drops of essential oil and and clean away :)
Let me know if you've tried it and what do you think of it :)
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pic from here |
Paar päeva tagasi võtsin ette vannitoa koristuse ning kokkuhoidliku inimesena otsustasin lõpuni kasutada poolikud kodukeemia pudelid. Pihustasin siis ohtralt üht levinumat vannitoa puhastusvahendit oma pesuruumi ning pidin sellest keemiaaurust peaaegu ära lämbuma. Lisaks hakkas mu pea valutama ning jube keemiahais levis korteris veel tunde pärast selle mahaloputamist.
Kas teadsid, et on täiesti võimalik segada ise kokku universaalne puhastusvahend ainetest, mis on tavaliselt kodudes olemas ning mis on tervisele kahjutud ning samas efektiivsed?
Siin on retsept:
1 klaas vett
1/2 klaasi äädikat
1/4 klaasi soodat
1/4 klaasi sidrunimahla
(mõni tilk eeterlikku õli lõhnastamiseks)
1 tk pritsiga pudel
Esmalt sega pritsiga pudelis kokku äärikas ja sidrunimahl. Teises anumas sega kokku vesi ja sooda.
Lisa vee ja sooda segu pritsiga pudelisse ja sega (ära ehmata tekkiva mullitamise peale).
Seejärel lisa mõni tilk eeterlikku õli ning asu koristama :)
Anna mulle kindlasti teada kui seda segu proovid ning millised on muljed :)
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