Thursday, September 4, 2014

Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque

I got Queen Helene The Original Mint Julep Masque about a month ago and have tried it for maybe five times since.
I must say that this face mask is very very good for the price :)

It promises to help dry up acne pimples, rinse away blackheads and shrink enlarged pores.
You're supposed to apply it generously on clean face and leave it on for about 15 minutes.

The consistency of this mask is very creamy and because of that applying it is easy. I also love that my skin doesn't feel extremely dry after using it as has happened before with some other clay masks. 

At first it tingles on my skin and if I have some minor skin injuries it might even sting a little bit. But nothing major and I actually like the tingling feeling :)
I also love the minty scent of it :)
"Luckily" I have a few breakouts at the moment which kinda hurt at first. After using the mask, they don't hurt almost at all anymore and my pores do look cleaner and blackheads lighter.
As I have combination skin, I would use it once a week. For ladies with oily skin or acne problems, I would suggest to use it twice a week.

Overall, I'm very happy with this mask and will repurchase once my 8oz will be empty :)

I got this mask in my recent iHerb haul for only $3.84. At the moment you can only get the sample size (2 oz; 56,7g for $1.40) of it on iHerb but I'm sure they'll stock up on it very soon.
If you haven't ordered from iHerb before then using the code LWH786 you can save up to $10 on your first order :)

Tellisin Queen Helene The Original Mint Julep Masque näomaski veidi enam kui kuu aega tagasi iHerbist. Ma olen üldiselt kogu maskibisessis üsna võhik, seega lootsin, et arvukad kiitvad netiarvustused paika peavad. Õnneks pidasid! :)

Mask lubab kuivatada aknepunne, puhastada ummistunud poore ja komedoone.
Maski tuleb kanda puhastatud näole ja jätta peale kuni 15 minutiks.

Esmalt meeldib mulle selle maski piparmündine lõhn. Teiseks ei kuivata see mu nahka nii nagu mitmed teised maskid teinud on. Kolmandaks näivad mu poorid tõesti puhtamad ja ka komedoonid on vähem märgatavad. Lisaks meeldib mulle ka see veidi õhetav tunne, mis maski peale kandes tekib :)
Mask ise on kreemja konsistentsiga, mis muudab selle pealekandmise väga mugavaks.
Oma segatüüpi nahaga kasutan seda maski korra nädalas. Probleemse ja rasuse nahaga daamid võiksid seda julgelt ka kaks korda nädalas kasutada :)

Kokkuvõtteks olen maskiga väga rahul. Ostsin selle juuli lõpus iHerbist vaid $3.84 eest. Hetkel on mask iHerbis saadaval vaid minisuuruses (56,7g, $1.40) kuid olen enam kui kindel, et üsna pea tuleb taas müüki ka täissuuruses maskituub :)
Kui sa pole varem iHerbist tellinud, siis kasutades koodi LWH786 võid oma esimeselt tellimuselt kokku hoida kuni $10 :)