Monday, April 27, 2015

Did you know? #1 Apple

I'm starting a new series on the blog - Did you know?
These posts will tell you one useful fact about something.
First fact is about apples :)

Did you know... 
that one medium sized apple (packed with fiber and immune-boosting vitamin c) counts as 1 cup of fruit, so after eating one you’re well on your way to meeting your daily fruit quota (around 2 cups for adults on a 2,000-calorie diet). 
pic from here
Alustan blogis uue postituste sarjaga - Kas teadsid, et?, kus igas postituses jagan ühte huvitavat/kasulikku fakti.

Kas teadsid, et 
 süües päevas ühe keskmise suurusega õuna (mis on rikas kiudainete ja c-vitamiini poolest), oled katnud poole oma päevasest puuviljavajadusest?

Nii et krõmps-krõmps õunale :)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Empties #17

It's always so satisfying to throw away a huge pile of empty products :)
To me it's a proof that I haven't been wasting my money and actually use up stuff I've bought :)
Here's the trash of past two months:
Hair and body
Batiste Dry Shampoo Cool&Crisp Fresh - I love Batiste dry shampoos and I liked this one a lot, too. It has a nice scent and did what it's supposed to do. I already purchased a new bottle, this time cherry scented one.
Dove Oxygen Moisture shampoo - I have a full review on this product line HERE. I liked this shampoo and I might buy it again at some point. It's nice and very affordable :)
Avon Senses Mood Therapy Indulgent and Spicy Moroccan Delights shower gel - I go through bodywash like crazy. I liked both scents, they made me clean and didn't dry my skin out. Since Avon has offers during almost every campaign, I will repurchase some of them again since they are very affordable. (I also wrote about them HERE).
Chistaya Liniya apricot face scrub  - it's one of the most purchased face scrubs in Russia, so I thought to give it a try. But oh boy! The milt apricot seed just hurt my face so bad so after the first use I never wanted to have it near my face again. I used this as a foot scrub instead. Not going to repurchase.
Oriflame Oasis Warm Sunset hand cream - lovely gel-like hand cream that smelled really nice and absorbed very quickly. It will be a little too mild for winter but during warmer seasons it's a great cream to keep your hands soft :)
Face and makeup
Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water - this quickly became my holy grail product that I religiously use every day and night. I have a full review on it HERE. I could only go two days without it before I ran screaming to the nearest store to get a new bottle. This 400ml bottle lasted me for 3 months!
Max Factor Masterpiece Transform High Impact Volumising mascara - this mascara has a very unusual wand and it took me a few uses before I got used to it. I loved the mascara and would repurchase it again. Gives length and volume and I can wash most of it off with just warm water.
Lumene Natural Code Matt Makeup foundation - it was a good and affordable foundation that kept my skin matte for a long time. (I have a short review on it HERE). I might repurchase next autumn/winter when I want a little more coverage :)
Oriflame Giordani Gold Mineral Therapy foundation - it was an okay foundation to use on days when I felt that my skin was a bit dryer and I didn't want to use a mattifying foundation. (You can read a bit more about it HERE).
Real Techinques Miracle Complexion Sponge - it was my first Beauty Blender type of makeup sponge I've ever tried. I liked this sponge a lot but the only thing I didn't like was that pretty soon after few washes it started to shed and now it has scratches and holes all over it which is why I'm not using it anymore. But it was still a good affordable tool. (First impression of it are HERE).
Clarins Daily Energizer Cream-Gel sample - this little sample lasted me for about a week and after that I went to a local makeup store with the intention to buy a full size product. I didn't at the time because it was a bit pricey but I'll try to find a good deal online. Very nice and light moisturizer, especially suitable for warmer weather :)
Suur hulk potsikuid on minu suureks heameeleks jälle tühjaks saanud :)
Juuksed ja keha
Batiste Cool & Crisp Fresh kuivšampoon - ma ei tea, mitmes Batiste kuivšampoon see mu elus on ja uuski juba soetatud. Lemmikbränd, mille iga šampoon teeb oma tööd hästi. Lõhnas ka mõnusalt :)
Dove Oxygen Moisture šampoon - kirjutasin pikema arvustuse selle sarja kohta SIIN. Šampoon oli täitsa asjalik ja meeldis mulle. Võimalik, et ostan tulevikus uuesti :)
Avon Senses Mood Therapy Indulgent ja Spicy Moroccan Delights dušigeelid - mul kulub dušigeele millegipärast väga palju... :D Mõlemad lõhnasid hästi, pesid naha puhtaks ega kuivatanud seda. Kuna peaaegu igas Avoni kataloogis on dušigeelidele eripakkumine, siis soodsa hinnaga soetan neid ka tulevikus.
Chistaya Liniya aprokoosikiviga näokoorija - väidetavalt enimostetud näokoorija Venemaal. Ma ei tea, millise näonahaga daamid Venemaal elavad kuid pärast esimest kasutuskorda mina sellega oma näole enam ei lähenenud. Koorivad aprikoosikivi tükikesed tegid lausa haiget. Edaspidi kasutasin seda hoopis jalakoorijana ja selleks sobis see hästi. Rohkem, loomulikult, osta ei kavatse.
Oriflame Oasis Warm Sunset kätekreem - kerge geeljas kätekreem, mis lõhnas mõnusalt ja imendus kiiresti. Pigem sobilik soojematel aastaaegadel kasutamiseks.
Nägu ja meik
Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water mitsellaarvesi - minu jaoks täiesti asendamatu toode. Suutsin kasutada teist meigieemaldusvahendit kaks päeva ning siis jooksin juuste lehvides esimesse poodi, kust selle suure pudeli jälle koju tõin. Veidi põhjalikuma arvustuse kirjutasin sellest SIIN. 400ml suurusest pudelist jätkus mulle kolmeks kuuks.
Max Factor Masterpiece Transform High Impact Volumising Mascara ripsmetušš - selle tuši sain kingiks Moekuulutaja tiimilt :) Selle tuši hari on veidi ebatavalise kujuga ja sellega harjumine võttis paar päeva aega. Tegemist on väga hea tušiga, mis andis nii pikkust kui volüümi. Ostaksin uuesti kui poleks juba järgmist MF tušši kingituseks saanud :)
 Lumene Natural Code Matt Makeup jumestuskreem - soodsa hinnaga väga hea matistav jumestuskreem. Külmemal hooajal võib uuesti soetamist täitsa kaaluda :)
Natuke rohkem kirjutasin sellest SIIN.
Oriflame Giordani Gold Mineral Therapy jumestuskreem - täitsa okei jumestuskreem, mida kandsin siis kui nahk tundus veidi kuivem ja soovisin kergemat katvust. Mingit suurt vau-efekti ei tekkinud aga halb see ka polnud. Kirjutasin ka sellest jumestuskreemist veidi rohkem SIIN.
Real Techinques Miracle Complexion Sponge meigikäsn - see käsn oli esimene kuulsa Beauty Blenderi taoline, mida ma kasutasin. See tegi oma tööd hästi kuid pärast paari pesu hakkas sellest pisikesi osi lahti tulema ja selle sisse tekkisid justkui "haavad". Seetõttu otsustasin selle nüüd ka minema visata, sest ka pildilt on näha, et ta on juba üsna õnnetus seisus.
Kirjutasin oma esmamuljetest SIIN.
Clarins Daily Energizer Cream-Gel tester - sellest testrist jagus mulle umbes nädalaks ning pärast seda seadsin sammud poodi, et täissuuruses toode osta. Jätsin selle siiski sel korral üsna kopsaka hinna (veidi alla 30€) tõttu ostmata kuid kindlasti katsun netist leida paremat pakkumist, sest see kerge ja kiiresti imenduv kreem meeldiks mulle soojemal aastaajal kindlasti.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Review: Oriflame The One Everlasting Foundation & Professional Make-up Sponge

I recently ran out of all my current foundations (empties post coming up next) and the only ones I had left were my Chanel super long-lasting foundation (review HERE) and another one that's too dark for me at the moment.
So, I ordered The One Everlasting Foundation from Oriflame (LINK).
They say that this foundation lasts for 25-hours (who needs to wear a foundation for that long? :D ), is transfer-resistant and also revitalises, renews and protects the skin. I couldn't find any information if it has SPF in it or not.
To me it's a nice medium coverage foundation that hasn't irritated my skin nor clogged my pores. I use it as an everyday foundation and it doesn't oxidise or cake up. Also it lasts quite well and I only need to use powder or blotting papers after lunch to get rid of some shine on my t-zone. I ordered the shade Light Ivory and it's a great match for me at the moment. I also like that it comes in a bottle with a pump. All in all, I'm satisfied with this product and I love that it's also affordable (don't forget to keep an eye on special offers which Oriflame has very often).
The other thing I ordered at the same time was Oriflame Professional Make-up Sponge (LINK) that I've been using almost every day since I got it.
I can't really compare it to Beauty Blender because I haven't used it but I think it's as good or maybe even slightly better than the Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge which started to shed pretty soon.
The shape of the Oriflame sponge is very comfortable, the pointy tip fits perfectly around and under my eyes. It's soft and bouncy, doesn't absorb a lot of the product and is easy to clean after use.
Once again, I'm happy I got it :)
Have you used these products? What are your thoughts on them?
Hiljuti said mul otsa mitu jumestuskreemi (tühjade potsikute postitus tuleb järgmisena) ning allesjäänud kaks ei vastanud minu igapäeva vajadustele, seega tellisin Oriflame'ist prooviks
The One Everlasting Foundation jumestuskreemi (LINK) toonis Light Ivory, mis mu kahvatu talvise jumega ideaalselt sobib. Hetkel käimasolevas kampaanias saab seda osta soodushinnaga vaid 6.49€ eest.
Info Oriflame kodulehelt:
Müügihitt EverLasting jumestuskreem on tagasi parandatud 25-tunnise püsivusega. Määrdumiskindel, ülimugav jumestuskreem FreshFix tehnoloogiaga ultra-püsivaks tulemuseks ja patenteeritud SkinRenew kompleksiga, et nahka taaselustada, uuendada ja kaitsta.
Minu hinnangul on tegemist keskmise katvusega jumestuskreemiga, mis püsib pikalt veatu ega muuda päeva jooksul tooni. Päeva teises poole tuleks minu kombineeritud nahale kanda veidi puudrit, et t-tsooni matistada. Nahaärritusi ega ummistunud poore pole see kreem mulle tekitanud. Lisaks meeldib ka see, et kreem on mugavas pumbaga pudelis.
Sellise hinna eest on tegemist väga kvaliteetse tootega.
Teine vajalik vidin, mille koos jumestuskreemiga tellisin on Professionaalne jumestuskäsn (LINK), mille tavahinnaks on 3.90€.
Kuna ma pole Beauty Blenderit kasutanud, saan seda võrrelda vaid Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge käsnaga, millest Oriflame'i lilla õde tundub olevat isegi veidi parem. Seda just seetõttu, et RT käsn kulus kiiresti ja sellest hakkasid tükid eralduma.
Oriflame jumestuskäsna kuju on väga mugav, selle teravama otsaga mahub hõlpsalt silma ümber ja alla toimetama. Lisaks ei ima käsn endasse ülearu palju toodet ning seda on lihtne puhastada.
Kokkuvõtteks - hea tööriist, mida olen alates kättesaamisest pea igapäevaselt kasutanud.
Kas oled kumbagi neist toodetest proovinud? Kuidas meeldivad?