I have never been an exemplary body moisturiser but somehow lately it has changed a lot.
I have two main properties that a moisturiser has to have in order for me to use it - first it has to be fast absorbing and second it has to smell really good.
At the moment I have four body products in rotation, each one for different occasion :)
First off there's a body milk from a Russian company Chistaya Liniya. I have their body milk with sea buckthorn and cowberry juice that smells really fresh and is fast absorbing. I have this tube in my gym bag and use it frequently after a work-out or pool or weekend getaways.
Next there's the Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Honey Drops Body Cream that I have a separate review about HERE . I pair this body cream with my recent purchase - Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Cherry Blossom perfume. I think they compliment each other very well and make me smell good the entire day :)
Then there's the most ordinary Rich Moisture Family Cream from Avon. I use this light body cream at night before going to bed because it's really fast absorbing. I wouldn't say that it's a cream I would use for the whole family - it smells a bit too strong which makes me cautious about using it on my daughter. But for me it's nice and I can literally jump between the sheets seconds after applying it.
Last but not least is funnily enough my favourite - The Body Shop Smoky Poppy Body Butter.
I never used to like body butters because the ones I've tried (included the one from TBS) didn't absorb fast enough and some felt sticky even in the morning although I applied the body butter last night. But this one absorbs quite fast and in about 10 minutes I can pull on jeans. Plus it smells so fine! It does smell like smoke and musk and something that's more suitable for a "grown-up" woman. The scent lingers on the body all day and I like to pair it with my Jo Malone Black Vetyver Cafe Cologne. I would actually consider buying the Smoky Poppy eau de toilette too :)
How many body products do you use?
Have you tried any of the ones I've mentioned and what are your thoughts?
Ma pole olnud just kuigi eeskujulik kehakreemide kasutaja kuid viimase paari aasta jooksul on see väga palju muutunud. Selleks, et ma kehakreemi kasutaksin peab see kiiresti imenduma ning kindlasti hästi lõhnama :)
Ilmselt on kõnekas ka fakt, et hetkel on mul kasutuses neli erinevat kehaniisutajat, mida kasutan erinevatel juhtudel ja tujuga.
Kõigepealt vene brändi Chistaya Liniya kehakreem astelpaju ja pohlaga, mis on koostiselt kerge ja imendub kiirelt ning lõhnab väga värskelt ja astelpajuselt. See rõõmus roheline tuub on mul trennikotis ning kasutan seda pärast ujumist ja nädalavahetuse väljasõitudel. Usutavasti on selle brändi tooted müügil L-Cosmetics poodides.
Järgmisena on mul kasutuses Elizabeth Ardeni Green Tea Honey Drops kehakreem, millest kirjutasin pikemalt SIIN. Seda kehakreemi kasutan päevil, mil kannan ka oma hiljutist parfüümiostu - Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Cherry Blossom tualettvett. Koos tekitavad nad tugeva ja aromaatse lõhnapilve, milles kümblen hilisõhtuni välja :)
Õhtuti on mul kasutuses Avon Rich Moisture Family Cream, mis on väga kerge koostisega ja võin sekundeid pärast selle nahale kandmist juba linade vahele pugeda. Soetasin selle 400ml potsiku eelmisest kataloogist paari euroga. Kogu perele ma seda siiski ei soovita - toote üsna vänge lõhna tõttu ma seda näiteks oma tütre peal ei kasutaks.
Viimane kehakreem on The Body Shopi Smoky Poppy kehavõi. Ma pole varasemalt kehavõidega sõbraks saanud, sest need, mida senini proovinud olin (sealhulgas ka TBS omi), lihtsalt ei imendunud ka hommikuks nahka. See kehavõi on aga hoopis teisest "puust" ning võin juba mõni minut pärast kreemi kasutamist teksad jalga tõmmata.
Lisaks lõhnab see kreem oivaliselt - suitsune, muskusene ja selline, mis sobib pigem juba täiskasvanud naisele :) See lõhn meeldib mulle niivõrd, et ostaksin hea meelega ka Smoky Poppy tualettvee :) Praegu aga kasutan selle kehavõiga koos Jo Malone Black Vetyver Cafe parfüümi. Koos loovad need mõnusalt sensuaalse ansambli.
Mitu kehatoodet sul korraga kasutuses on?
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