Thursday, July 31, 2014

Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Honey Drops Body Cream

I got the Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Honey Drops Body Cream for my birthday last year and though this product is no news anymore I still want to let you know my thoughts on it.
When I first tried it, the scent of it was a bit too overpowering. That you should keep in mind - you do not need to wear any perfume when using this body cream. For the first hour the scent of it is really strong but it fades during the day. At the same time it will still linger on your skin and will keep you smelling nice and fresh until you wash it off. Even when it's +30 degrees outside and you sweat heavily :)
This cream is very light and has almost like a whipped cream consistency. The little gritty particles are tiny drops of honey than melt instantly when you apply the cream. It also has green tea extract in it that should help calm and condition dry skin. Also it absorbs really fast :)
To me the Green Tea Honey Drops Body Cream is a perfect product for summer :)
I don't have to use any perfume when using this cream and I am 100% sure to smell nice throughout the day and don't have to worry about any other odours that may occur during hot weather :D
It comes in a huge jar (250ml or 8.4 oz) and will last you a very long time. If you like fresh lemon, orange, green tea and jasmine scents you will love this cream. It retails around 18 € and in my opinion is totally worth the investment :)
Sain Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Honey Drops Body Cream niisutava kehakreemi eelmisel aastal sünnipäevaks ja kuigi see pole enam ammu mingi uudistoode, räägin ikkagi täpsemalt, miks ma seda armastan ja just sel suvel pea igapäevaselt kasutan :)
Kui ma seda kreemi esimest korda kasutasin, tundus kreemi vänge lõhn minu jaoks liiga tugev. Seda tuleks kindlasti kreemi kasutades silmas pidada - parfüümi kasutamine on selle kreemiga täiesti tarbetu. Lõhn püsib väga tugev umbes tund aega pärast pealekandmist ja hakkab siis tasapisi hajuma. Seega ei pea muretsema, et 30-kraadises kuumuses võiks muud kehaaroomid võidutseda. Hea ja värske lõhn püsib nahal kuni pesuni :)
Kreemil on mõnus kerge koostis, tundub peaaegu, nagu oleks see vahtu löödud. Kreemi sees olevad kollased teraksed on mesi, mis nahaga kokku puutudes koheselt sulab ja nahka imendub. Kreemis sisaldub ka rohelise tee ekstrakt, mis rahustab ja niisutab kuiva nahka. Kreem imendub samuti väga kiiresti :)
Käepärases potsikus on 250ml kreemi, millest jätkub väga pikaks ajaks. Kui sulle meeldivad värsked tsitruselised aroomid, milles ka jasmiini ja rohelise tee noote, siis on see kreem mõeldud just sulle! Osta saab seda näiteks  Feelunique e-poest veidi vähem kui 18 € eest :)

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