Thursday, February 26, 2015

Review: Dove Oxygen Moisture

I had the new Dove Oxygen Moisture hair line on my shopping list about a month ago and had to really hunt these products down to get them. Finally, in the fourth store I got them and they were on sale. Yay! :)

I got three products: Dove Advanced Hair Series Oxygen Moisture shampoo, conditioner and root lift spray.
I've tried them for two weeks now and my thoughts on them are as follows :)
First of all, I like the packaging of these. I think they look tasteful and the squeeze tubes are very comfortable to use in the shower. I like the fresh scent of them as well. 
The shampoo lathers nicely and my hair feel smooth and soft. This shampoo doesn't keep my hair clean and fresh longer than others but it's okay. I did feel that my hair had more structure in them after the first use and if blow-drying it, they do have more volume in them. If I let my hair dry naturally, I don't see any difference in volume.
The conditioner is nice but I feel like it's a bit light for my hair. It doesn't seem to nourish my hair enough so if you have dry or damaged hair, this one will not be enough. But it detangles really well so combing through hair is very easy.
The root lift spray is another product that needs heat to activate it's powers. It will give my hair more volume and structure but at the same time I feel the product in my hair and it makes them get dirty faster. But it's okay because I usually use it on occasions where I need my hair looking big and don't mind washing it afterwards :)

So, I really like the shampoo and the root lift which I would repurchase and would pass on the conditioner next time.
Well done, Dove, for bringing good products at an affordable price on the market! 


Umbes kuu aega tagasi oli mu ostunimekirjas uus Dove Oxygen Moisture sari. Leidsin need tooted paar nädalat tagasi neljandast poest, kuhu ma nende jahile läksin, ning sel hetkel olid kõik tooted soodushinnaga, makstes 3.99€ tk.

Mulle meeldib nende toodete maitsekas pakend ning mõnus värske lõhn. Lisaks on duši all tuubist toote kasutamine väga mugav.
Šampoon vahutab mõnusalt ja peseb juuksed puhtaks kuid ei hoia mu juukseid kauem puhtana. Sellega pestes märkasin juustes rohkem struktuuri ning fööniga kuivatades tekib juustesse ohtralt kohevust. Kui ma lasen juustel loomulikult kuivada, ei tunneta ma erilist vahet juuste kohevuses.
Palsam on mõnus ja teeb juuksed siledaks ja kergesti kammitavaks kuid tunnen, et minu juustele jääb see veidi lahjaks ega ole piisavalt niisutav. Kuivade ja kahjustatud juuste omanikud peaksid ehk valima mõne muu palsami.
Juuksejuuri tõstev sprei on samuti toode, mis vajab kuumust, et tekitada juustesse kohevust. Kuigi see muudab juuksed kergemini mustaks, ei häiri see mind, sest kasutan juuretõstjat olukordades, kus mul on vaja ekstrakohevust ning juuste pesemine pärast selle kasutamist mind ei morjenda.

Seega, neist kolmest tootest meeldivad mulle šampoon ja juuksejuuri tõstev sprei, mida ostaksin uuesti ning palsami jätaksin järgmine kord poodi.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

TAG: This or that

I love beauty tags and usually, while watching a youtuber answer them, I pick my own preference in my head :)
So, I was searching for some tags and found one HERE.
I will only answer the beauty related ones because I'm just not feeling the other ones :D
Hope you don't mind :)

Feel free to answer the same questions and leave your post/video in the comments below :)

Blush or Bronzer - blush, always. I just haven't jumped on the contouring/bronzing bandwagon, so  blush. Every day.
Lipgloss or Lipstick - I mostly tend to go for lipstick. The colour payoff and staying power is just so much better. 
Eyeliner or Mascara - mascara. I use eyeliner rarely.
Foundation or Concealer - I think I would go for concealer because I just need the extra coverage under my eyes and my face isn't in a bad shape, so I could go without foundation :) Not that I usually would :D
Neutral or Color Eyeshadow - neutral. I have only experimented with bright colours at home, never in public :)
Pressed or Loose eye shadows - pressed. I just can't stand the messiness of loose eye shadows.
Brushes or Sponges - brushes. I cannot imagine my life without brushes anymore :) Just the other day  I used my fingers to apply foundation and oh boy! How could I do that for years before discovering brushes?!?!

O.P.I or China Glaze - I own only one O.P.I. polish and none of the China Glaze, so I must say O.P.I. :D
Long or Short - short. I have long fingers and having long nails on top would look just freaky :)
Acrylic or Natural - natural. Always!
Brights or Darks - darks. I just love all the muddy, blue, black, dark shades. Even in summer!
Flower or No Flower - no flower. I've never had any sort of nail art and I tried my first glitter nail polish last Christmas for the first time ever :D

Perfume or Body Splash - perfume. I love perfume and even though I have a lot, I always want more :)
Lotion or Body Butter - lotion. My experience with body butters haven't been good. I have really dry skin but for some reason body butters just don't sink in.
Body wash or Soap - body wash. I can't really remember when was the last time I used a soap bar for body :)
LUSH or Other Bath Company - I would go for other just because I like to try new things and wouldn't want to limit myself with just one brand :)

Leidsin internetist ühe laheda iluteemalise tag küsimustiku ning valisin välja iluteemalised küsimused. Kõiki küsimusi saab vaadata siit.

Päikesepuuder või põsepuna - põsepuna, alati, iga päev. Ma pole siiani päikesepuudri ja näo kontuurimise vaimustusse sattunud, ei tea, kas seda juhtubki :)
Huuleläige või huulepulk - haaran tihemini siiski huulepulga järele, mulle meeldib tugevam pigment ja pikem kestvus.
Lainer või ripsmetušš - ripsmetušš, sest seda kasutan igapäevaselt, lainerit aga harvem.
Jumestuskreem või peitekreem - peitekreem. Ma vajan toodet, mille abil oma siniseid silmaaluseid peita, seevastu näonahk on mul enam-vähem ja suudaksin jumestuskreemita uksest välja astuda küll.
Neutraalsed või värvilised/eredad lauvärvid - neutraalsed. Erksaid värve olen vaid kodus proovinud. Seevastu soojad pruunikad toonid lähevad nii päeva- kui ka õhtumeiki tehes :)
Pressitud või pulberlauvärvid - pressitud. Mulle ei meeldi pulbritega üldiselt tolmutada, liiga räpakas minu jaoks :)
Pintslid või meigisvamm - pintslid! Kandsin hiljuti sõrmedega jumestuskreemi nahale ja ma ei saa aru, kuidas ma enne pintslite avastamist üldse hakkama sain. Võeh! :D

O.P.I. või China Glaze - mul on vaid üks O.P.I. lakk ja ei ühtegi China Glaze oma, seega pean vist vastama O.P.I. :)
Pikad või lühikesed küüned - lühikesed. Mul on pikad sõrmed ja kui mul veel ka pikad küüned oleks, näeks see üsna hirmus välja :)
Kunstküüned või loomulikud - loomulikud. Alati!
Ere või tume küünelakk - tume. Kõik mudased, hallid, mustad, sinised ja tumedad toonid on minu lemmikud... ka suvel :)
Lilledega või ilma - ma pole küünemaalingute armastaja ja pole neid ise kunagi proovinud. Samuti proovisin glitter-küünelakki esimest korda läinud jõulude ajal. Seega, paluks lillekesteta :)

Parfüüm või kehasprei - parfüüm. Mul on üsna suur kollektsioon kuid tahan ikka juurde :)
Kehakreem või kehavõi - kreem. Kuigi mul on kuiv nahk, ei ole ma seni kehavõidega sõbraks saanud, sest need lihtsalt ei imendu mu nahka :(
Dušigeel või seep - mulle ei meenu, millal ma viimati kehapesuks seepi kasutasin, seega dušigeel.
LUSH või mõni muu bränd - kindlasti muu, sest mulle meeldib uusi asju proovida ning vaid ühe brändiga piirdumine oleks mulle liialt piinarikas :D

Kui vastad ka sellele küsimustikule, jaga oma postitust/videot kommentaarides :)

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Cherry Blossom

It sure starting to feel like spring here...
It's light outside when I go to work in the morning at around 7.30am and still light when I head back home. The birds are chirping and the sun is rising almost every day :)
And though I still need to wear a hat, scarf and gloves it smells like spring already! 

Last week I noticed a very lovely perfume on my colleague and immediately needed to know what it was. Apparently it's Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Cherry Blossom Eau de Toilette spray which I got for myself from a local online store for only 14€!!!! And it's 100ml (3.3 fl oz).
Of course the size of the bottle is not very travel friendly but you can always use a Travalo for your purse :)

It's a very fresh scent and the first thing you'll notice is (of course) green tea. The top notes are bergamot and citrus, middle notes are green tea and cherry blossom followed rich birch bottom notes.
I already love the original green tea scent of Elizabeth Arden Green Tea line and I should dig out my Green Tea Honey Drops Body Cream to use with this perfume.
I bet it will make me feel even more excited for spring and will lift my spirit :)

p.s. Don't you agree that the box is just screaming of spring :) 

Kevade lõhn on juba õues...
Mind teeb rõõmsaks kui valge on hommikuti, mil tööle sõidan ja ka koju jõudes on väljas ikka veel valge :)

Kui ma eelmisel nädalal tundsin oma kolleegi kandmas imehead parfüümi, pidin kohe teada saama, millega tegu. Tuleb välja, et see oli Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Cherry Blossom tualettvesi, mille otsustasin kohe ka endale soetada. Kõige soodsama hinna leidsin selle on24 veebipoest, kus 100ml parfüümsprei maksab vaid 14 eurot. Nii suurt pudelit ma muidugi igapäevaselt kaasas kandma ei hakka aga väike Travalo täidetav pudel on siin kindlasti abiks (leiad selle minu uurimistöö tulemusel kõige soodsamalt Levelzone'ist).

Green Tea Cherry Blossom on kevadiselt karge ja värske parfüüm, milles kõigepealt tunneb rohelise tee, tsitruse ja bergamoti lõhna. Südamenoodiks on kirsiõied ja põhjas kask.
See tualettvesi tuletas mulle meelde mu Elizabeth Ardeni rohelise tee ja meega kehakreemi, mille kohe välja otsin ning neid kahte kombineerides tormab kevad mu sisse ja ümber peatamatu hooga :)

p.s. Eksole see pakend teeb meele hästi kevadiseks? :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Empties #16

It's time to get rid of 2 months worth of empties :)

Hair and body
Lirene Anti-cellulite cleansing peeling - this body scrub smelled like oranges and had quite a lot of scrubbing particles in and of course, I didn't note it doing anything with my cellulite. It didn't impress me that much to repurchase.
Viteks shower cream with macadamia and shea butter - this product is from Belarus. It lathered well, had a soothing smell and really nourished my skin. This huge bottle had 500ml of product that lasted me a long time. I would buy it again :)
Oriflame Activelle Pure Care 24h anti-perspirant - I love Oriflame's deodorants. All the ones I've tried do their job well and doesn't irritate my armpits. Plus they're very affordable.
Matrix Amplify Shampoo - my all time favourite brand for my hair. I always come back to it!
Oriflame Milk&Honey Gold conditioner - I love the scent of that line from Oriflame. This conditioner was a bit too light for my hair. Otherwise it was an okay product. Wouldn't buy it again, though.

Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifying Face Scrub and Face Mask with Dead Sea Minerals - I didn't like both of these products. T he scrub in the white tube was okay but nothing that I would want to repurchase. It was quite harsh on the skin and there wasn't enough scrubbing particles in it to fast and effectively cleanse my face. I had to be quite gentle and cautious while using it. I didn't finish the product. The mask in the grey tube was even worse. It dried my skin out so much that I had to apply moisturiser three times after using the mask. One time was enough and I haven't used it since.
Oriflame Essentials Gentle 3 in 1 Cleanser - one of my favourites to remove makeup. Will continue to repurchase.
Lumene Basic Blue Cleansing Gel - nice and very mild makeup removing gel. It didn't get all of my makeup off and didn't lather very well. It is suitable for sensitive skin but it was a bit too mild for me.
Lirene Aloe & Cucumber moisturizing 2 in 1 cleanser - it was an okay toner that removed traces of makeup and made my skin feel nice. But it didn't have a wow-effect for me, so not going to repurchase.
Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Eye Concentrate - I used up the sample size of this rich eye cream that I actually really liked in the winter and for night-time. This small tube was enough for 1,5 weeks and though I didn't notice any miracles, it was great and I would like to try the full size product and see if it can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Makeup and other

Armani Mania by Giorgio Armani - this 15ml eau de parfum bullet goes inside a little "container" which is very convenient to have in a handbag. I know why I love this perfume - it has my favourite ingredients in it's top notes - cedar, vanilla, musk and white sandalwood. It's great for colder season because it's sweet and comforting. I have only one bullet left, so it seems I have to get a full size version soon :)
Yves Saint Laurent Blush Variation  in shade #2 - it's fuchsia pink in the box but it leaves such a fresh and healthy glow and flush of pink on the skin that I'd hit the pan very soon and the last remains crumbled inside the box. Love it!!!
L'Oreal Touche Magique corrector/high-lighter - I think it's a great dupe for YSL Touche Eclat pen. I love this product and I'm almost through my second one.
Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer  in shade #2 Light - everybody was raving about this concealer all over the internet, so I got it. But I don't like it at all. It doesn't provide a lot of coverage and it creases. Since I haven't used it for almost a year, I'm just throwing this one away.

Kahe kuu jagu tühje potsikuid tuleb nüüd ära visata. Mulle meeldib empties postitusi alati lugeda ning ühtlasi paneb nende kirjutamine mind ka tooteid lõpuni kasutama :)

Juuksed ja keha
Lirene Anti-Cellulite kooriv dušigeel lõhnas mõnusalt apelsini järgi ja koorivaid osakesi oli selles ka palju. Loomulikult ei teinud see mu tselluliidile midagi ning üldmulje sellest jäi ka üsna neutraalseks. Ilmselt ma seda toodet enam ei osta.
Viteks makadaamia ja sheavõiga dušikreem - tegemist on Valgevene tootega. Ma tõesti nautisin selle dušikreemi kasutamist, sest see lõhnas ja vahutas hästi ning muutis naha pehmeks ja niisutatuks. Kui ma ei eksi, siis müüakse Viteksi tooteid L-Cosmetics poodides ja sinna ma ilmselt uue 500ml pudeli jahile ka lähen.
Matrix Amplify šampoon - lemmik bränd juustele, milles ma pole iial pettunud. Ostan seda kohevust andvat šampooni kindlasti uuesti.
Oriflame Milk&Honey Gold palsam - mulle väga meeldib selle sarja lõhn! Palsam ise jäi minu juustele natuke liiga lahjaks ja seetõttu uuesti seda ei osta.
Oriflame Activelle Pure Care 24h anti-perspirant - Oriflame'i deodorandid teevad oma tööd väga hästi ja siiani pole üheski pettuma pidanud. Ostan kindlasti veel.
Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifying näokoorija ja näomask surnumere mineraalidega - valges tuubis olev näokoorijas oli minu arvates koorivaid osakesi vähe ja need olid liiga suured ja karedad. Sellega tuleb ettevaatlik olla. Hallis tuubis olevat näomaski kasutasin vaid korra, misjärel pidin kolm korda niisutavat kreemi näole kandma, et olemine vähegi paremaks muutuks. Ei ostaks kumbagi uuesti!
Oriflame Essentials Gentle 3 in 1 Cleanser - sellest puhastuspiimast olen oma blogis nii palju kirjutanud, et korrata pole enam vast vaja. Mulle meeldib see väga ja kindlasti ostan veel :)
Lumene Basic Blue Cleansing Gel - ülihea lõhnaga näopuhastusgeel, mis ei vahutanud nahal üldse ning jäi minu jaoks veidi liiga nõrgaks. Eemaldas küll suurema osa meigist ega ärritanud nahka ja silmi kuid jäi lahjaks. Tundliku naha omanikud võivad seda julgelt proovida :)
Lirene Aloe & Cucumber niisutav 2 in 1 toonik - sai jagu meigijääkidest ja nahk oli puhas ja niisutatud kuid vau-efekti mul ei tekkinud. Ilmselt uuesti ei osta.
Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Eye Concentrate - see rikkalik silmakreem meeldis mulle väga. Väikesest testrist jätkus mulle enam kui nädalaks ning soov täissuuruses tuub osta tekkis küll. Selle lühikese ajaga ma ei täheldanud kortsude vähenemist kuid mine tea, mis võib juhtuda kui seda pikemat aega kasutada :)
Meik ja muu
Armani Mania eau de parfum 15ml täitepudel - see täitepudel käib ilusasse vutlarisse, mida on mugav käekotis kaasas kanda. See on soe ja magus lõhn, mille põhjanootides just kõik minu lemmikud: seeder, vanill, muskus ja valge sandlipuu. Oma viimast täitepudelit kasutan praegu ja ilmselt ostan millalgi ka täissuuruses pudeli.
Yves Saint Laurent Blush Variation põsepuna toonis 2 - toosis näeb see välja hirmutavalt fuksiaroosa kuid põskedele annab see terve roosa jume. Mul oli see juba põhjani ära kasutatud kuni viimaks puuder äärtest murenes ning nüüd pean sellega igaveseks hüvasti jätma.
L'Oreal Touche Magique valgustpeegeldav pulk - minu jaoks on see kuulsa YSL Touche Eclat täielik koopia. See suutis katta ja muuta heledamaks mu sinised silmaalused ning kui teine praegu veel poolik tuub otsa saab, soetan ilmselt uuesti.
Collection Lasting Perfection peitekreem toonis 2 Light - palusin eelmise aasta alguses selle sõbrannal Londonist kaasa tuua, sest tänase päevani kiidetakse seda peitekreemi kui üht parimat odavamast hinnaklassist. Minule see toode ei meeldinud - see ei katnud piisavalt ning kogunes vagudesse ja kortsudesse. Proovisin veel veidi aega kuid lõpuks jäi ta mul enam kui pooleks aastaks lihtsalt seisma. Nüüd viskasin ära ja enam ei osta.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Dreaming of... Burberry The Banner Bag

I rarely ever get very excited about fashion...
I have some of my favourite designers who's collections I always love but I usually keep my tabs on new releases of makeup rather than fashion.
But it happened... the second I saw Burberry's newsletter introducing the new Banner Bag, I was sold.

In a perfect world I would get The Medium Banner in Leather and House Check in Nude Blush or Midnight Blue. The large version of this bag comes in Black, Elderberry and Stone. I like the Stone colour best from what they have in large.

How do you like it?

pic from here
Üldiselt ei ole ma inimene, kes südame põksudes uute hooaegade moekollektsioone ootaks.
Hoian end palju rohkem kursis uudistega ilu- ja nahahoolduse valdkonnas.
Mul on mõned lemmikud moeloojad, kelle kollektsioonid mulle alati muljet avaldavad kuid üldiselt olen moemaailma suhtes üsna leige :)

Samal sekundil kui nägin Burberry uudiskirjas nende uut The Banner Bag käekotti, olin vaimustuses.
Ideaalses maailmas tahaks ma seda erinevas suuruses ja värvis.

Enim meeldivad mulle The Medium Banner in Leather and House Check toonides Nude Blush ja Midnight Blue. Suuremas mõõdus käekotid on kolmes toonis - Black, Elderberry ja Stone.
Neist kolmest valiksin viimase.

Kuidas meeldib?

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What I need to get out the door / Morning makeup routine

One morning I started to wonder how many products I actually use to get out the door on a usual weekday. I started counting the products and steps and wow! There's actually 14 products on a busy weekday that I use to get out the door in 15 minutes :)
And that's only makeup :D

So, if you're interested in what I pack on my face, keep on reading :)

1. First off, I cleanse my face with Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water (review here) to remove all that's on my face. Then I apply Vichy Idealia Eye Contour Idealiser. I love this eye cream because it moisturises well, absorbs fast and doesn't interfere with my makeup. As a face moisturiser I use Hydraluron that also absorbs within seconds so that I can quickly move on to applying my makeup.

2. Before applying any of my makeup, I have recently been reaching for Oriflame Conceal Kit and I use the peachy concealer lightly in the darkest areas under my eyes. Then I apply Lumene Skin Perfector Matt Makeup foundation. To cover and highlight my under-eye area I use Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer that has fast become my holy grail product. It has full coverage and stays on for ages without creasing almost at all. To set my under-eyes and t-zone, I use Nars Light Reflecting Setting Powder in Translucent Crystal. This power is AMAZING!!!! It is so finely mild that you can't see it at all. It keeps my makeup and especially concealer from creasing and it also stays on for ages making my skin silky smooth. As an eyeshadow primer I use my beloved Avon Eye Shadow Primer that keeps my eyeshadow in place for ages and applying it doesn't tug on my eyelids.

3. Then I move on to blush and highlighter. I have been obsessed with Sleek Blush by 3 in shade Pink Lemonade and especially the cream blusher in the middle. The lasting power of it is also amazing. For highlighting I use Lancome Blush Subtil in shade 004 Highlighting Beige. It gives my face such a nice glow without being glittery or looking greasy.

4. For my brows I use a very affordable Catrice Eye Brow Stylist in shade 040 Don't Let Me Brow'n. It's the perfect cool-toned taupe brown pencil that matches my natural hair colour. Plus it has a brush on the other end. I don't think I will replace this one any time soon :)
I've been reaching most for my e.l.f. Prism Eyshadow palette in Naked or Bobbi Brown Rich Chocolate Eye Palette recently. The BB palette is on the right side on the photo and I use the third shade from the top to blend out any eyeshadow I wear.
For mascara I use Max Factor Masterpiece Transform at the moment.

I didn't include any lipsticks in this post because my everyday makeup is very neutral so I usually use 2-3 different lipsticks during the day :)

Is it too much compared to the amount of products you use every morning? Or maybe too little?
Let me know in the comments below :)

Hakkasin ühel hommikul kokku lugema mitut toodet ma kasutan tavalisel tööpäeval selleks, et uksest välja minna.
Kokku sai 14 toodet ja kõigi nende pealekandmiseks kulub mul umbes 15 minutit.

1. Kõigepealt kasutan Garnier mitselaarvett, millega eemaldan öö jooksul näole kogunenu. Seejärel kannan silmade alla Vichy Idealia Eye Contour Idealizer silmakreemi. See imendub väga kiirelt ja sobib ülihästi meigi alla. Seejärel kasutan naha niisutamiseks Hydraluron geeli, mis samuti imendub sekunditega, nii et saa pea kohe liikuda jumestuskreemini.

2. Viimasel ajal olen enne muu meigipõhjaga alustamist hakanud kasutama Oriflame Conceal Kit'ist virsikukarva tooni, et katta kõige tumedamad osad silmade all ja ümbruses (selgelt annab stressirohke tööperiood tunda). Seejärel kannan näole Lumene Skin Perfector Matt Makeup jumestuskreemi. Järgmisena võtan ette Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer peitekreemi, mille abil katan ja helendan silmaaluseid ja muid näo piirkondi. See peitekreem sai väga kiirelt minu absoluutseks lemmikuks, sest see katab ülihästi, ei kogune kortsudesse ja püsib väga pikka aega.
Et kogu see krempel kinnitada, kasutan Nars Light Reflecting Setting Powder puudrit toonis Translucent Crystal. See on nii peene koostisega, et seda pole näol näha ning nahk on katsudes siidine ja pehme.
Lauvärvi aluskreemina kasutan oma armastatud Avon Eye Shadow Primer'it, mis hoiab lauvärvi paigal hiliste õhtutundideni ja seda peale kandes ei pea ma oma laugusid tirima.

3. Põsepunana kasutan Sleek Blush by 3 palett toonis Pink Lemonade ja enamasti keskmist kreemjast ruuži. Seegi püsib peal terve päeva. Särapuudrina kasutan Lancome Blush Subtil toonis 004 Highlighting Beige, mis annab nahale kauni kuma ega ole seejuures sädelev.

4. Silmameigis olen viimasel ajal haaranud kõige tihedamini e.l.f. Prism Eyeshadow või Bobbi Brown Rich Chocolate Eye Palette lauvärvipalettide järele. BB paletist (pildil paremal) ülevalt kolmandat tooni kasutan alati ükskõik, millise lauvärvi hajutamiseks.
Kulmud korrigeerin Catrice Eye Brow Stylist kulmupliiatsi abiga toonis 040 Don't Let Me Brow'n. Selle külm pruun toon sobib ideaalselt minu loomuliku juuksetooniga.
Ripsetušina kasutan Max Factor Masterpiece Transform'i.

Huulepulki ma pildile ei lisanud, kuna mu igapäevane meik on enamasti neutraalne ning päeva jooksul kasutan 2-3 erinevat huuletoodet/tooni.

Kas seda on palju või vähe võrreldes sellega, mida sina igapäevaselt kasutad?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water is quite new on our market and when we had a huge sale in our local supermarket, I grabbed this 400ml bottle to try it out. At that time it cost 5€, today I saw it at full price which was 7.90€.
I have tried Bioderma, Vichy and L'Oreal micellar waters before. I actually didn't like Bioderma that much and didn't get what all the fuss about the product was about. I also have a full review on L'Oreal 3in1 Micellar Solution here and I didn't like it that much either. Vichy Purete Thermale 3in1 micellar water was the only one out of these three that I really loved (I briefly reviewed it in my empties post here)! The only downside was the price, I costs near 20€ here.

I didn't have high hopes for Garnier version, because it has 100% same ingredients as the L'Oreal one but somehow this product works like magic! I'm confident enough to say that this one is better than all of the above mentioned products.
On the bottle it promises to be suitable for all skin types, to remove makeup, cleanse and soothe the skin and that there's no need to rinse after using it. It's meant for face, eyes and lips and is perfume free. I can say that all of it is true. This product does what it promises to do :)
It removes makeup in seconds, mascara included. It doesn't leave my skin (or eyes) irritated or dry nor does it leave any residue on the skin.
On some really late and lazy nights I sometimes (rarely, though) use this one to remove all of my makeup. I also use it after I wash off all of my makeup to get rid of the last remains that my face wash didn't get off and in the mornings before my moisturiser.

All in all - I love this product and I'm quite sure that I will not stray from it for a very long time :)

Have you tried it? How do you like it?

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water mitsellaarvesi on Eesti turul üsna uus toode. Soetasin selle Selveri Laadapäevadelt 5€ eest. Täna nägin, et Selveris on selle täishind 7.90€.
Olen seni proovinud Bioderma, Vichy ja L'Oreal'i samalaadseid tooteid.
Bioderma ei tekitanud minus eriti positiivset emotsiooni, mistõttu ei saa ma tänini aru, miks kõik sellele tormi jooksevad. L'Oreali mitsellaarvee kohta kirjutasin ka eraldi arvustuse (leiad selle siit). Ka selles tootes pettusin. Vichy Purete Thermale 3in1 mitsellaarvesi on neist kolmest proovitust minu lemmik (põgus ülevaade siin ja siin) kuid selle ligi 20€ küündiv hind teeb meele mõruks.

Garnier lubab, et toode sobib kõigile nahatüüpidele, eemaldab meigi, puhastab ja rahustab nahka, see ei jäta nahale jääke (ehk, et seda pole vaja maha loputada), sobib näo-, silma- ja huulemeigi eemaldamiseks ning on lõhnavaba.
Kõike seda, mida pakend lubab, see toode ka teeb.
Meigi (ja isegi ripsmetuši) eemaldamisega saab see hakkama kiirelt ja tõhusalt, see ei ärrita mu nahka ega silmi ning ei jäta nahale kleepuvat tunnet.

Võin täie kindlusega öelda, et tegemist on tõeliselt väärt tootega, mis jääb minu iluarsenali ilmselt väga pikaks ajaks! :)

Kas oled Garnier' mitselaarvett proovinud? Kuidas meeldib?