Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Current favourites... / Hetke lemmikud...

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I've been reaching for the same products all the time recently so why not list them all so that maybe you could find something nice to try out for yourself :)

I recently cut my hair and have a nice layered bob now. Since my hair is very heavy, I am always looking for products that give a LOT of volume.
Now that my hair is shorter, I find that the Shu Uemura Ample Angora Volumizing Light Foam really does lift my roots and gives quite some volume. I apply it on towel-dry hair, concentrating on the roots and blow-dry my hair. When my hair was longer and didn't have layers in, I felt this product didn't have enough power to lift my heavy hair, so that's what you might want to consider. But right now I'm loving and rocking it :)
I use Batiste Dry Shampoo XXL Volume not as a dry shampoo actually :) I spray it in my hair after I've styled and flat-ironed it and it really gives my hair a lot of volume. It looses some of it's hold during the day but running a comb of fingers through my hair, livens it up again, so no need for carrying it around with me :) Plus it keeps my hair fresh on the second day, too ;)
I forgot to include my MaxFactor lipgloss in shade 35 Lovely Candy in my last Gifts and haul post but it actually was also a gift from the Moekuulutaja team. It's very light milky pink colour that's very glossy. It's not sticky, stays on quite some time, wears off nicely and makes my lips look a lot fuller. 
I wear it on it's own a lot but I love to pair it with Rimmel Apocalips Lip Laquer in shade 102 Nova. I put MaxFactor under and Rimmel on top of it and this combo looks just so lovely and vibrant and very suitable for spring. I actually use this trick a lot - I put a light gloss under a lipstick and that gives me fuller lips, a nice gloss and the colour is not so heavy. Perfect for daytime and for school/work :)
I've rediscovered my Inglot Multicolour System Highlighting powder in shade 85 recently. It gives my face a subtle but really nice glow that's not overpowering. Been loving that as a highlighter a lot lately and been wearing it every day :) (I wrote about it a while ago here)
I totally adore Bobbi Brown cream eyeshadows and I recently got two more colours as a gift. I've been using the Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Cream Shadow in shade 25 Slate very often. Especially when I'm in a hurry. I don't need a primer with it and it works perfect either as a base or on it's own. It doesn't crease and stays on whole day.
A product I almost forgot about and which I took out from my drawer lately is Giorgio Armani single eyeshadow in shade 66. It a nice matte mauve pink colour that is suitable for daytime. I apply it all over the lid and use a matte brown in the outer v. Wearing it just on it's own makes me look a bit like I've been crying but paired with some darker shade, it's my every day go-to look lately :)
Last but not least - I've been loving my Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-on Eye Pencil in shade Mushroom with both of the eyeshadows mentioned above. As you can see on the swatch, it goes with both of them perfectly. It stays put all day and it might even be waterproof :) It's very soft to apply and hasn't irritated my eyes :)

Have you tried any of these products?

Viimasel ajal haarab mu käsi pidevalt samade toodete järgi, mis annab põhjust neist lähemalt pajatada :)

Lõikasin hiljuti oma juuksed lühemaks ja järku. Mu juuksed on väga rasked ja kui need õige pisut pikemaks kasvavad, hoiavad need väga peadligi, sestap olen pidevalt juuksejuuri tõstvate ja kohevust andvate toodete otsinguil.
Nüüd kus mu juuksed on veidi lühemad ja kergemad tõstab Shu Uemura Ample Angora Volumizing Light Foam juuksevaht mu juuksejuuri päris korralikult ja annab mõnusalt kohevust juurde.  Batiste Dry Shampoo XXL Volume kuivšampooni kasutan ma tegelikult puhastel juustel pärast seda kui olen juukseid sirgendanud, et neile veelgi rohkem kohevust anda. Ja kohevust saab selle tootega väga palju! Päeva jooksul vajub see küll veidi ära aga kui kammi või sõrmedega juuksejuuri sasida, ärkavad need taas ellu. Lisaks on järgmisel päeval juuksed ikka veel puhtad :)
Unustasin oma viimasele Kinkide ja ostude postitusele lisada Moekuulutaja tiimilt saadud MaxFactor huuleläike toonis 35 Lovely Candy. See on väga läikiv piimjas heleroosa huuleläige, mis püsib päris kaua peal, kulub ühtlaselt maha ja muudab mu huuled palju lopsakamaks. Kannan seda nii üksikult kui ka taasavastatud Rimmel Apocalips huulelakiga toonis 102 Nova. Ma kannan huuletele kõigepealt MaxFactorit ja siis selle peale Rimmeli huulelaki ning tulemuseks on ilus kumav ja elav toon, mis on ideaalne kevadsuvisel hooajal.
Absoluutselt iga päev viimase kuu või kahe jooksul olen highlighter'ina kandnud Inglot Multicolour System Highlighting powder puudrit toonis 85. See annab mu näole väga ilusa kuma, mis on piisavalt tagasihoidlik, et ma ei näe välja nagu diskopall.
Kui mul on kiire või kui ma lihtsalt ei jaksa väga pikalt oma meigile aega kulutada, kasutan imelist Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Cream Shadow kreemlauvärvi toonis 25 Slate. See sobib nii lauvärvina kui aluskreemina kasutamiseks ning püsib peal kogu pika päeva.
Olin ära unustanud kuid nüüd võtsin jälle kasutusse oma vana lemmiku Giorgio Armani lauvärvi toonis 66. See on matt vanaroosa toon, mida kasutan koos mati pruuniga silma välisnurgas. Kui ma seda lauvärvi ainult üksinda kannan, jääb mulje nagu oleksin nutnud :D Seega tuleb sellele lauvärvile kindlasti tumedama tooniga sügavust juurde anda :)
Hetke lemmik silmapliiats on Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-on Eye Pencil toonis Mushroom. See sobib ideaalselt mõlema ülelmainitud lauvärviga, see on vaat' et veekindel, püsib peal terve pika päeva ning on piisavalt pehme, et ei ärrita mu silmi.

Seekord siis niimoodi :)
Kas oled mõnda neist toodetest proovinud?


  1. Ma kasutan ka seda Batiste kuivšampooni puhastel juustel :D Lihtsalt see on ainuke vahend mis nii hästi ja lihtsal viisil juuri tõstab.
