Hey guys, long time no see! :)
Today I want to quickly share some ideas I have about my blog...
When I started blogging in December 2012 I felt very passionate about beauty and products and blogging was my favourite hobby as well as reading other blogs and watching beauty bloggers on YouTube for hours.
I still love everything about beauty and beauty products but I find it hard to commit to long and thorough blog posts because it takes hours to create one. Also life just happens and I have so many other activities and projects beside my 9-5 job that I often don't have the energy for my blog.
So I decided to start transitioning my blog to Instagram. It's so much more convenient and quicker to manage and I think that for now I will be posting more frequently on my Instagram. If I have some longer and more thorough information to share I'll write it down on the blog and will let you know on Instagram.
I hope you will come along with me and join my Instagram HERE and continue our mutual beauty stories there.
Huge thank you and I love you all :)
Suur ja rõõmus tervitus üle väga pika aja! :)
Tahan täna rääkida veidi oma edasistest plaanidest selle blogiga...
Kui ma blogimisega 2012.aasta detsembris alustasin oli kosmeetika, kõik iluga seotu, blogid ja YouTube'i ilugurud minu suur inspiratiooniallikas ja kõige lemmikum ajaviide. Minu kirg iluteemade ja kosmeetika osas ei ole raugenud kuid lisaks oma päevatööle ja erinevatele eraprojektidele, jääb mul ööpäevas aega ja energiat blogi jaoks liiga väheks.
Seega otsustasin oma blogi suuremas osas edaspidi Instagramis jätkata, sest see on palju kiirem ja kompaktsem viis oma hobiga tegeleda. Kui mul on aga mõni pikem ja põhjalikum postitus tulemas, annan sellest Insta kaudu teada ning pikemad kirjutised leiad ka edaspidi siit blogist.
Loodan, et jätkad meie ühist iluteekonda koos minuga minu Instagramis SIIN.
Aitäh sulle :)
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