Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Join me on my journey to natural skincare / Minu teekond looduskosmeetika juurde

Hi there everybody! Have a happy spring :)

I don't know why there always has to happen something bad before we start thinking more about our health and things we put on and inside of our body. About a week ago my 8 year old had a pretty bad skin problem and this morning she was confirmed to have some kind of allergy. We have to go to get the allergy tests done to find out what it is but meanwhile I need to keep a diet diary and will switch all products I use on her to natural and hypoallergenic ones. Thankfully her condition is not yet severe but I don't want to risk her health any longer.

So I invite you to join me on my journey to natural skincare because I feel that I should pay a lot more attention not only on my daughter's but on my own health as well. Hopefully you'll find it interesting and useful along the way of my transition :)

I have two posts that might be interesting for you that are kind of on the similar topic:

My first step was to change the washing powder and use only natural skin and hair care on her. I was already using Original Sprout Natural Shampoo for babies and Jason Natural Kids Only! Daily Detangling Conditioner and will start using Weleda Baby Derma skincare range White Mallow Body Lotion and White Mallow Face Cream on her.

For the next two weeks I will also switch from my current skincare routine and will be using coconut or almond oil to remove makeup and replace my current moisturiser to Weleda Iris Hydrating Facial Lotion and eye cream to Skinowl Eye+ Nourishing and Youth Stimulationg Eye Concentrate. To really see any results I need to use only natural products and not mix them with synthetic ones and hopefully by the end of that time I'll notice some changes in my skin :)
Will keep you posted!

pic from HERE

Ilusat kevadet kõigile!

Ma ei tea, miks on nii, et suuremate muutuste tegemiseks oma mõtlemises ja teguviisides, peab eelnevalt midagi halba juhtuma.
Umbes nädal tagasi algas mu tütrel üsna tugev nahaärritus, mille põhjuseks on allergia. Niikaua kuni saame allergoloogi juurde teste tegema minna, tahan teha omalt poolt võimalikult palju, et nahaärritust leevendada ja tema tervist hoida.

Pesupulbri vahetasin koheselt välja. Mahedamat šampooni ja palsamit hakkasin lapsel kasutama juba varem (Original Sprout Natural Shampoo for babiesja Jason Natural Kids Only! Daily Detangling Conditioner) ning näole ja kehale hakkan kasutama Weleda Baby Derma kassinaerise näokreemi ja kassinaerise kehapiima.

Ühtlasi teen väikese eksperimendi ka enda peal - vahetan kaheks nädalaks välja kogu oma senise nahahoolduse ning eemaldan meiki kookose- või mandliõliga, nägu kreemitan Weleda Iirise Niisutuskreemiga ja silmaümbrusesse panen Skinowl Eye+ Nourishing and Youth Stimulationg Eye Concentrate silmakreemi. Selleks, et märgata mingit erinevust tavalise ja loodusliku kosmeetika toimes ei tohi ma järgmise kahe nädala jooksul segada naturaalseid tooteid tavalistega. Loodame siis, et eksperimendi jooksul on ka mingeid muutusi märgata :)

Blogis olen sarnast teemat puudutanud ka varem, nii näiteks võid lugeda milleks kõigeks võib kasutada kookosõli ja kuidas ise valmistada universaalset kodupuhastusvahendit.

Loodan, et minu teekonna ajal saad ka sina midagi huvitavat ja kasulikku teada!

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